Blawko is a virtual personality, who describes himself as a “digital model and sex symbol”.

First Appearance:
Los Angeles, U.S.A.
Virtual model, virtual influencer
Years active:
Social media accounts
Just as any other digital influencer out there, the avatar shares his life with his 147k Instagram followers.
His feed is full of photos of himself living his best life, rocking streetwear merch from Balenciaga, Supreme and Vetements outfits, casually flaunting his friendship with fellow robot influencers Lil Miquela and Bermuda.
Blawko never reveals his whole face, always covering it with a mask, hand or any other vestimentary article.
Ronald F. Blawko was created in 2016, by Brud. Thus, Blawko has the word Brud tattooed on his right thigh.
Brud FYI is also the creator of Lil Miquela, the first computer-generated social media influencer, who took virtual influencer marketing to the next level.
Blawko AKA Ronald, AKA Lil Blawkquela as he calls himself, slowly climbes the Youtube ladder with almost 5000 subscribers.
On his Youtube channel, he describes his robot life, gives advice on how to get a hot body, and relationship tips.
With his buzz cut, slick streetwear, narcissistic character, and a little mystery, Blawko is on the verge of a promising modeling career through social media marketing.