High Carb Hannah
High Carb Hannah, on her real name Hannah Howlett, is an American vegan Instagram and Youtube influencer.

First Appearance:
Youtube Vloger, Instagram influencer, Author
Years active:
Social media accounts
High Carb Hannah is best known for her dramatic weight loss journey.
By following a clean, vegan diet, Hannah managed to lose weight dramatically.
Hannah lost around 60 lbs going from 188lbs to 133lbs in less than one year.
Her staple foods consist of potatoes, starches, rice, oatmeal, and basically anything high in carbs.
After years of trying multiple diets, Hannah Howlett cleaned up her life and diet and started following Dr. John McDougall’s “The Starch Solution.”
Seeing her amazing results, Hannah started her Youtube channel High Carb Hannah in which she shared her weight loss using her original plant-based recipes.
Currently, High Carb Hannah’s Youtube channel has almost 820K subscribers and her Instagram page is followed by 271k plant-based eaters.
In 2016 Hannah published Lean and Clean, an impressive ebook with over 50 vegan recipes for weight loss.
She continues to share delicious meal plans focused on plant-based recipes to satisfy every gourmand’s taste buds while achieving successful weight loss results.
With the help of her husband, Hannah and Derek created the High Carb Hannah website where she shares her story, alongside customers’ success stories, and healthy simple weight loss recipes to “satisfy your soul”.