Keyword Monitoring
Keyword monitoring (keyword tracking) is the process of tracking the position for landing pages that rank on certain keywords. Monitoring keywords and phrase searches help you keep track of your brand visibility in Google search results or any search engine, in online marketing and social media, as well.
General Information
Still, wondering what is keyword monitoring? Here's the full answer packed with benefits.
From an SEO point of view, keyword monitoring or rank tracking (as it is named by SEO specialists) helps digital marketers to be aware of how the website's content ranks on search engines.
From a digital marketing (brand monitoring) point of view, keyword monitoring shows who mentioned the brand/company's products and services, how is the brand/company perceived in the online media by the competition, by users, by other people, what social media channel is more powerful for the brand.
Keyword monitoring can be a valid asset in competitive spying by keeping an eye on specific competitors. Especially if we consider the brand monitoring side. By choosing which keyword and term to monitor in brand monitoring, you get a list of mentions for every website and social media that used that specific term in their content or social media posts.
It is highly beneficial to monitor brand keywords and not only for getting insight into:
- brand perception
- digital marketing campaign ideas
- new content ideas
- competitor spying
- find new trends in the industry
- monitor brand performance
How Do I Monitor Keywords on Social Media?
The best way to monitor keyword in social media is through brand monitoring or social listening tools. This way we get accurate results, easier way to filters mentions, various metrics & graphs and many more depending on the situation.
One of the most popular ways to monitor keywords and mentions is using Google Alerts. We type the terms we want to monitor and the email address and get a list in the email Inbox. It is a raw option that can be used by anybody that wants something simple and fast.

Another brand monitoring tool available is BrandMentions, which offers more possibilities and filtering based on the type of digital marketing strategy is on the schedule. Monitor unlinked mentions to get new links or monitor backlinks that already exist. Use features such as:
- Sentiment Analysis to find out what the audience thinks of the brand.
- Compare projects to get insights on competitors website.
- Top Influencers and top websites that mentioned a specific brand to connect and build partnerships for future projects and digital marketing campaigns.
- Reach and Performance to spot opportunities and leverage competitive advantage.

How Do I Monitor Keywords on the Web
The same tools can also monitor keywords on the web since terms are the same and only the source of extraction is different. But there are also more complex tools, SEO software and keyword ranking tools.
There are lots of keyword tools or plugins to choose from cognitiveSEO Keyword Tool & Content Assistant, Google Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest, SpyFu and more.
Relevance to Brand Monitoring
Brand Monitoring is the new thing in marketing combining elements from social media, SEO, analytics into one. Keyword monitoring in brand monitoring focuses on finding those sources on the web. When targeting a keyword we can choose it to be brand, a product/service belonging to the brand, so in the end we get a bigger picture of a certain brand. We monitor the brand online through various terms and phrases.
When using the brand monitoring process, we don't look on search engine results, we look directly on the web pages and social media pages where that keyword is mentioned, we look at the people who mentioned it. It is a more in-depth way to keyword monitor, by finding the initial source.