LinkedIn headquarters
LinkedIn headquarters can be found in Sunnyvale, CA, S.U.A.
The official address is 605 W Maude Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94085, USA.

Established in December 2002, in Mountain View, California, LinkedIn is a business-focused social media platform. Its aim was to bring together professionals from all over the work, in a B2B online environment.
The social platform was founded by Reid Hoffman, Allen Blue, Eric Ly, Jean-Luc Vaillant, Lee Hower, Konstantin Guericke, Stephen Beitzel, David Eves, Ian McNish, Yan Pujante, and Chris Saccheri.
In 2011, the platform hit the stock market unde the symbol “LNKD”.
LinkedIn’s key people are:
Jeff Weiner – Chief Executive Officer
Melissa Selcher – Chief Marketing & Communications Officer
Blake Lawit – Senior Vice President and General Counsel
Nina McQueen – Vice President and Chief People Officer
Ryan Roslansky – Senior Vice President, Product
Mohak Shroff – Senior Vice President, Engineering
Steve Sordello – Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Dan Shapero – Senior Vice President and Chief Business Officer
With over 740 million users worldwide, LinkedIn is beginning to transition from a social network platform into a social marketplace. More and more people are starting to use the platform as a job finder.
2016 was the year of major structural and organizational changes for the social media business company. In June, Jeff Weiner drove the acquisition of LinkedIn by Microsoft.
The same year, LinkedIn struck a real estate deal with Google over more than 1 million square feet of existing buildings, including LinkedIn's former Mountain View Headquarters.
In return, LinkedIn gets to build its campus in Sunnyvale, CA.
Although many have speculated that tech Giants like Apple, Google, Meta, Adobe and even LinkedIn may flee San Francisco’s area, they are in fact building new office spaces.
Recently LinkedIn acquired multiple office buildings on W Maude Street that could accommodate around 1900 workers.
Apart from their California offices, Linkedin corporations own offices all around the world in cities like Amsterdam, Bangalore, Beijing, Berlin, Dubai, Dublin, Graz, Hong Kong, London, Madrid, Melbourne, Mexico City, Milan, Mumbai, Munich, New Delhi, Paris, São Paulo, Shanghai, Singapore, Stockholm, Sydney, Tokyo, and Toronto.