Professional Crisis Management
Professional crisis management is an advanced system of crisis management. It is used when individuals become aggressive or non-compliant.
General Information
Professional Crisis Management (PCM) uses prevention methods for individuals before a crisis occurs. The system included training, interviews, tests and lots of methods to make sure individuals are successfully trained and the process guarantees successful prevention and intervention for them. All the activities and methods must take place with maximum safety, increased dignity and total effectiveness for successful results.
Professional Crisis Management Processes
Professional Crisis Management Association offers all the support and training in such cases and uses 4 types of processes to manage crisis situations:
- Crisis Prevention: the first step is self-explanatory: they use all sorts of nonphysical and verbal strategies to prevent a crisis before it is bursting.
- Crisis De-escalation is the second step where we can safely stabilize an escalating situation by being more empathic and nonjudgmental, using non-threatening body language, avoiding overreacting, and other skills and cognitive information for understanding. If we try to be less authoritative, less controlling, less confrontational, we will actually have more control.
- Crisis Intervention is the step we focus on solving the problems and underlying the crisis.
- Post-Crisis Intervention: the step to monitor the results and obtaining commitment.
Another step, that is rather necessary for preventing future crisis or at least prepare you for others is learning.

Managing crisis situations can be overwhelming if we don't have a plan or system for a business, for learning or everyday life activities. Professional Crisis Management shows us what steps to take to manage all crises in our life, Design our personalized plan and be prepared.