Sky Life
Sky Life on her real name Sky Cowans is an American Youtuber and video content creator.

First Appearance:
Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.
Youtuber, Video Creator, Wellness Coach
Years active:
Social media accounts
Born on the 16th of May 1994, Sky grew up as a soccer player in Beverly, Massachusetts.
Sky Cowans had been passionate about sports and wellness since she was a young girl.
During her teenage years, Sky experienced orthorexic behaviors that brought her close to a destructive lifestyle, by being too focused on being in perfect health and overachieving with her studies.
In her college years, the sporty blonde became a yoga instructor and worked at Yoga Journal as a digital production intern.
During her time at Elon University, Sky also was an evening news anchor and multimedia journalist for Elon Local News.
The vlogger graduated from Elon University with a degree in broadcast journalism.
Cowens started her career at BuzzFeed producing unscripted video content for YouTube and Facebook.
Her passion for mind-body wellness coupled with her studies and experience threw her on her own path by building a social media career.
On March 18th, 2018 Sky Cowans uploads her first Youtube video.
The Digital Video creator shares videos of her journeys on exploring wellness, spirituality, and alternative lifestyles.
Sky`s goal is to educate, inspire and empower others to live their healthiest, happiest lives.
Cowans explores and investigates wellness trends, showing her audience her interesting findings.
Since then, Sky Life grew to 225K subscribers on Youtube and 65.6k followers on Instagram, and counting.
Sky currently lives in Los Angeles, California from where she travels the world in search of new adventures and challenges.
She has partnered with wellness brands like Tenzo Tea, Territory Foods, Gaia Hemp Fusio, Ned CBD, Yes We Vibe and many more.
On her website, Sky Life offers coaching services as well as wellness products from the companies she partners with.