Strategic Risk
Strategic risk means arising from fundamental decisions that the management team can take to resolve concerns in an organization's objectives. Strategic risks are risks of failing to achieve the objectives of the brand.
Subdivision of strategic risks
Business risks are the risks that come from the board's decisions and are risks that might come from technological changes that impact sales and production.
These include risks associated with the development and marketing products or services, economic risks that can affect the product sales or costs.
Nonbusiness risks are the risks that are not coming from the products or services but from outside of the organization.
Strategic risk levels usually link with how the organization is positioned in relationship with the environment.
Competitors can affect risk levels in product marketing, technological developments, creating processes, etc.
Responsibility for strategic risk management
The board decisions make strategic risks about the direction that the brand is going to.
To make strategic decisions, the board needs enough information about how the company is doing and the essential aspects of the brand's economic field.
Managing strategic risks
Strategic risks are most of the time decisions that a company may have to expand, resolve problems, or continue on long term production.
The strategic risks of changing the process of creating a product can bring damaging situations such as technological problems, revenue difficulties, etc.