Syndicate YouTube

Syndicate content to a YouTube channel allows you to automatically sync content in your syndicated channel with YouTube. This can be done using Backlot and a Google account linked to YouTube.


General Information

Content syndication, in general, is when existing digital content gets republished on a third-party website. Now, syndication isn’t only limited to videos, but it can be applied to all types of content, including blog posts, news articles, infographics, etc.

Backlot users can syndicate their videos by using OAuth 2.0 authorization.

Once these three elements are connected (Youtube, Google, and Backlot), you can start the syndication process.

Content syndication is a method of republishing and re-uploading content on other platforms to reach a broader audience; it also increases the awareness and traffic on the original content.

Limits on Size and Duration of Videos

The limit and duration for video files that you can syndicate are 64 gigabytes and less than 15 minutes.

Labels in YouTube Syndication

The first step is to understand how the label works and what can work for a specific video and channel to reach a particular demographic. Syndication allows you to sync content with your YouTube channel automatically.

Steps to Syndicate to YouTube

To create syndication to YouTube (export videos to YouTube):

  • Log in to the Backlot UI.
  • The Backlot UI opens.
  • Open the PUBLISH page.
  • Click the External Publishing subtab.
  • From the list box on the left, select publishing type YouTube and click New.

External Links