Twitter Trending
Twitter trending refers to a topic that is rapidly popular at a specific moment.
Twitter is a well-known social media platform allowing its users to post tweets. Tweets are short text (up to 140 characters). Twitter users can follow other users, from friends to celebrities, brands or companies. When logging on to Twitter, users will see a feed that contains tweets from Twitter accounts they follow.

Twitter’s algorithm decides what is trending next by monitoring hot subjects based on your location (United Kingdom, San Francisco, Las Vegas, South Africa, Dominican Republic, Germany, etc.) and the Twitter accounts/people you follow.
A trend on Twitter is determined by the volume hashtags create and how much time they need to create volume. In other words, what is trending is more likely connected to subjects you’re interested in.
Twitter trending topics (hashtags and topics) are easy to find. People use hashtags to be a part of trending topics. Hashtags are simple to use - after the hash symbol (#), users add the topic's name within the tweet.
What does Twitter trending mean?
The most popular subjects are named trending topics.
Hot trending or Twitter trending topics are the most searched and discussed keywords (any Twitter trending hashtag) among Twitter users. Trending on Twitter reflects what the current issues people are interested in at a certain point in a specific part of the world.
Examples of trending topics:
- Significant worlds events
- News about famous persons (politicians, celebrities, influencers). Examples: Michelle Obama
- Sports results (# worlds cup)
- Notable social, economic, and cultural events. Examples: elections, holidays (happy yule / Merry Christmas, etc.)
- Movies and series that are popular at a particular moment (Emily in Paris in 2021, Stranger Things in 2019/2022)

A trending topic doesn’t necessarily denote popularity but can be translated into a win for the person that is the subject of that specific Twitter trend.
When a hashtag gets to be on top Twitter trends, it is the result of users tweeting about the same subjects simultaneously.
Twitter trending and digital marketing
Nowadays, Twitter is a part of social media marketing strategies.
Any social media marketer can create a Twitter account and use it to find the brand’s target audiences. Social media campaigns can be entirely created around hot trending hashtags.
Social media marketing on the Twitter app is a win for brands and companies because of its audience’s wish to engage and responsiveness.
Which topics and hashtags should brands use in their social media marketing campaigns?
Twitter app is one of the social media platforms with lots of users gained in recent years. Marketers should ensure they use a tool to get the hot trending list (hashtags and popular topics) to reach their audiences in their social media marketing campaigns. How do you discover Twitter Trending topics? On the mobile Twitter app, Twitter hashtag list can be found under the section Trends in the Explore tab. If you use Twitter on a laptop or desktop, hot trending appears in many places - Home, Notifications, Search.
How to create a trend
A trend is created when a hashtag-driven topic (Twitter hashtag) is used in Twitter posts most often. However, as this can be abused, Twitter has set several rules to filter posts that sell hashtags or don’t make sense to reach trending status. For example, Twitter also filters tweets that include a hashtag that doesn’t add value to the conversation.
Tips for trending on Twitter' Detect top twitter trends and anticipate them, using the tools that notify you in real-time about hashtags and topics Twitter users are discussing. Create a unique Twitter hashtag that aligns with your brand’s action. Follow hot trending on Twitter and become an expert in anticipating the right time to launch your social media campaigns.
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