Vica Blochina

Vica Blochina is a famous media personality in Romanian showbiz.

Full name: Vica Blochina

Birthday: August 8, 1975

Birthplace: Lithuania - Europe

Nationality: Lithuania - Romanian

Occupation: Media Personality

Vica Blochina is a famous media personality in Romanian showbiz. Some people may not know that she is not originally from Romania, as she spent most of her life here and formed her current career here, but Vica Blochina was born in Lithuania. Originally from Lithuania, Vica Blochina has been established in Romania for more than 20 years. She was a ballerina at the Melody Club in Bucharest in her youth.

Vica Blochina is a constant presence in the Romanian showbiz world. Known as the former lover of Victor Piţurcă, they have a child together - Edan, following the relationship they started when she was a dancer.

In 2023, she accepted the challenge to participate in Survivor Romania.

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