Why is Feedback Important in Communication
Feedback is important in communication because it enables the sender to evaluate the effectiveness of its message.
Without feedback, the communication process would be incomplete.

What is feedback in communication
Feedback in communication is defined as the response the receiver has on the message that has been delivered to it.
Three essential components make up a basic communication process:
- The sender
- The message
- The receiver
The receiver is not just a passive acceptor of the message.
When the message is received by the recipient, they react in one way or another.
The reaction from receiving the message is called feedback.
This feedback can be:
- Subtle, non-verbal (change of heartbeat, change of breathing, facial expression, gestures)
- Oral (questions, comments)
- Written (email, text, or letter reply)

Why is Feedback Important in Communication
Feedback is an essential part of the communication process. It represents the missing link in the sender-receiver loop, recruiting a response from the receiver to the sender.
Therefore, the two-way communication process ends with feedback.
Some of the reasons why feedback is important are:
- Feedback shows if the recipient has received the message and whether the message has been understood in the same terms as intended by the sender.
- Feedback signals the level of effective communication between the two parties.
- Feedback is a valuable communication skill that helps improve human relationships.
- Being the final component of communication, feedback helps break communication barriers between the sender and the receiver.
- Feedback is an excellent tool for continuous learning.
- Constructive feedback motivates the sender.

Feedback in Business
In business, feedback represents a helpful piece of information or constructive criticism regarding an action or behavior of a company or an individual involved in the company.
Regardless of the business, effective feedback is a true asset to manage.
Depending on the type of feedback received, companies can calibrate their actions to match the feedback of their clients, employees, suppliers, and stakeholders.
Being aware of the importance of communication in business, a brand can leverage the advantages of feedback to its interest, regardless if it is positive or negative feedback.
Customer feedback will give a brand insight into their client’s needs, offering new growth opportunities for the company.
It also helps maintain healthy communication levels while offering a sense of value to the clients.
By paying attention to employees feedback, a company can learn more about their inner core than what the analytics will show them.
By listening to employee feedback, they feel valued and listened to. This also helps with eliminating confusion and ambiguity.
Employee experience can bring to the surface hidden gems or hidden bombs.
On the other hand, companies can increase employee motivation by regularly giving feedback on employee performance.
Constructive evaluation and frequently provided feedback can dramatically increase efficiency and work-related accomplishments.
Feedback also aids proper coordination between different departments so that the top-level management is well informed about what is going on in the organization.
Understanding stakeholders’ feedback can help boost the overall performance of the company.
Feedback also helps improve the relationship between the employees, CEO, managers.
A direct effect of communication done efficiently is solving problems in the company through the constant exchange of feedback.
All-in-all, feedback is essential for the proper functioning of any business.

Why is feedback needed
Feedback is needed because:
- It completes the communication process as two-way communication requires feedback from the receiver.
- It helps measure the effectiveness of communication. The sender can be sure that the receiver properly understood the message.
- Feedback helps determine the success or failure of the communication.
- Feedback aids in understanding the receiver’s perspective and opinion about the sender’s message.
- With efficient feedback, the sender can determine the next course of action.
- Feedback helps in making the correct decisions as it communicates the thoughts of the receiver to the sender.
The importance of feedback in any environment is irrefutable. Regardless of the message’s subject, receiving feedback will elevate the discussion and ensure the message is delivered as originally intended.
Through feedback, the parties involved have the opportunity to understand more about the level of communication, desires, and needs of the other party.
Feedback is the last part of the communication process, which involves the sender, encoding, message, channel, decoding, receiver, and then feedback.
Therefore, feedback becomes that key point that ties up all the other points in this process.
We all interact through feedback given to each other unconsciously, and this process happens continuously without the necessary knowledge of the receiver.
But collecting feedback is only one part of the journey.
It matters most how the collected information is integrated and returned to the reactor.
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