Social media presence has become part of our lives nolens volens. And it's not going anywhere. At least not any time soon. Conventional marketing channels are slowly fading into the past as digital marketing is viewed as a compulsory part of a brand’s existence. 

Here is what we are going to address in this article:

  1. The Importance of Social Media
  2. Ten Expert Tips for Social Media Presence in 2024
  3. Do's, Don'ts, and Must-haves

The Importance of Social Media

In the last few years, social media marketing has become more popular amongst brands, digital marketers, and affiliate marketers. 

Social media marketing (SMM) provides a more personal space between companies and their potential customers, and between brands and their audience. 

We live in the era of the Social Media Influencer. Macro, medium, or nano influencers keep their online community connected with the brands in an authentic, organic way.

At the same time, social media platforms strive to optimize their algorithms for maximum results on targeted social media ads and campaigns. 

In 2024 one must be aware of the pressure to build the best social media presence so they can and stay on top of social media trends as they continue to change alongside the users’ needs. 

Whether you are a content marketer, a project manager, or someone who wants to build a personal brand, we’ve prepared for you the ultimate guide to nail 2024 on the subject of social media presence.

Ten Essential Tips for Social Media Presence in 2024:

  1. Define and refine
  2. Know who your audience is and listen to them
  3. Be aware of your surroundings.
  4. Algorithms come and go, quality content stays.
  5. Plan, schedule, breathe. 
  6. Use empathy and emotion.
  7. Use all the tools that the social media platforms offer
  8. Make the most of user-generated content.
  9. Your employees should be your biggest brand advocates
  10. Prepare your landing pages.

social media tips

Tip 1. Define and redefine.

We are talking about goals and objectives. You can’t score a goal if you can’t find the goalpost. 

Without objectives, you can’t define your strategies or implementation steps to attain the identified goals. So, make a habit out of regularly re-visiting and refining your objectives. 

Don’t be afraid to leave room for angled turns. A flexible mindset is a good way of saving time in the middle of a storm. 

Embrace change but avoid moving the goalpost around.

Tip 2. Know who your audience is and listen to them.

Yes, defining your target audience is unavoidable. Therefore, diving into demographics but also psychographics paves the way to a powerful social media presence. It’s easier to create content when you know what your audience wants.

Don’t hesitate to use social media listening tools. You can be missing out on powerful opportunities to increase engagement by not being aware of social mentions, comments, or reposts.

The give-back mentality is a sine qua non condition in 2024.

With Brand Mentions, you'll never miss a tag, a mention, or a business review.

Tip 3. Be aware of your surroundings. 

Always know what’s going on. 

Spend time researching. What are the latest social media trends? 

Can you pave new roads using the cracks on the pavement, or is there a brand new lane for you waiting to be discovered?

Make sure you know what the game is and who you're playing it with. What are your competitors doing?

Tip 4. Algorithms come and go, quality content stays.

Quality over quantity. Instead of being anxious about having to deliver regular content for the sake of posting, learn to take a step back when feeling overwhelmed. 

Analyze top-performing content and consider repurposing it with a little bit of SEO boost. At the end of the day, algorithms tend to prioritize relevance over chronological order.

Tip 5. Plan, schedule, breathe. 

Let’s face it. 2023 has been a busy, chaotic year, and 2024 won’t fall short of that. 

The best thing you can do to honor your work efforts and time spent is to plan ahead. Many social media scheduling apps can help you plan your content strategy. 

By planning ahead, not only do you get to see the shape of your content but also have the opportunity to juggle with it, improve it and repurpose it.  You can a use social media calendar to create a detailed plan and get the most out of your efforts.

It is easier to have a visual content plan before your eyes than to surprise yourself with your own feed. 

Tip 6. Use empathy and emotion.

Empathy should be the keyword of 2024 social media marketing. 

As brands continue to be more inclusive with their campaigns, relatability will be a critical decision-making factor for future clients. 

Building trust is easier when the foundation of the business is a combination of transparency and empathy. 

These primal emotions of empathy and relatability are just as important as the physical need that marketing used to rely on. 

Tip 7. Use all the tools that the social media platforms offer.

Play with the tools. All of them. See what works and what doesn’t. 

2020 has been about interactive content and unique forms of presenting information to the viewers—especially video marketing, which seems to be the most popular social media marketing trend.

Facebook and Instagram stories are still a big deal and drive excellent customer engagement. 

TikTok and Instagram algorithms are more than happy to push content in the form of video. 

Reels are an engaging, fun tool to keep your followers on their toes and curious about your content as a brand. 

Don’t underestimate the power of live videos. You can go live everywhere! 

YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, you name it!

Live video content will always have a more organic reach than a simple post will. Not to mention that live moments are the next best thing when it comes to direct engagement with one’s followers. 

Tip 8. Make the most of user-generated content.

User-generated content (UGC) is more than just a list of customer testimonials. 

It is honest, raw content based on customer experiences that connects and appeals to social media users in a way that branded content can’t. 

UGC is, in a way, personalized content created by a third party that creates more sincere, authentic connections. 

User-generated content is an integral part of the future of social media marketing. 


We have already covered this subject with 5 User-Generated Content Examples to Get Inspired From.

Tip 9. Your employees should be your biggest brand advocates.

Business owners are called to do their best to keep investing in their employees’ commitment to the brand. 

Employers are themselves internet users who share and consume social media content. 

So why not share good content about the company they work for?

The value of having brand advocates working in the company is incommensurable. 

There is nothing better than having an in-house brand advocate.

Aside from the marketing purposes that the fidelity of an employee brings via social sharing, let’s not forget that a happy member of your company is an asset to the business. 

Tip 10. Prepare your landing pages.

Social media marketing doesn’t just stop when the feed ends.

It is essential to take into consideration the full circle of the marketing funnel.

Having tons of devoted followers is GOALS!

But if the engagement can’t translate into lead generation or potential customers, you are just building a sleeping army. 

Preparing your landing pages through great copy, awesome website design, and a unique digital experience is the last step of a complete marketing strategy that starts on social media. 

To sum up, here are some Do’s and Don’ts and Must-haves when it comes to social media presence in 2024 and beyond:


  • Use appropriate content for each social media platform.
  • Embrace change and versatility.
  • Use all the tools you can get.
  • Focus on the platforms that resonate with your audience the most.


  • Don’t assume anything before checking the statistics.
  • Don't post irrelevant content that doesn't speak to your followers.
  • Don't ignore client feedback.
  • Don't undermine the power of branded hashtags.


Yes, the competition is tight. Yes, the algorithms are hard to predict. 

The two things you can’t build a strong social media presence without in 2024 are patience and the right tools.

These two assets work in synergy, and without them, you might as well be running around in circles. 

If you want to read other valuable tips on Building a Strong Social Media Presence, check out what some of the best social media gurus in the business have to say.

Creative Thinker | Content Writer | Sustainability Utopian. Passionate and versatile information scavenger. Funny and witty but also dead serious and determined. Asks a lot of uncomfortable questions.